Demonstrations and trials can be a fantastic way to get staff involved and interacting with new products and to receive direct feedback on the products that being scoped out for your facility.
See how the operations works firsthand and the solutions it can provide patients and carers or see what doesn’t work and needs changing to suit your working environment. Feedback is extremely important to receive out of any demo/ trial and improves current designs and innovations of products. Have confidence that you’ve made the right decision for everyone and one that will continue to provide solutions and meet the requirements of your patients and staff for many years to come.
Demonstrations can be a good first step when scoping out new products for your facility, there is no paperwork involved and we come to you. A demo is a personal visit from a local distributor and the perfect opportunity to get an initial feel and feedback from staff about the product. A trial is a little different in the way that the product is left with you for an agreed period of time to fully immerse itself into a potential working environment. Generally, paperwork is involved with a trial and a higher level of organisation and communication with your local distributor. Trials provide accurate and real time feedback of the products performance and staffs opinion which delivers the final notes on any changes/ upgrades that need to be made to the product so it becomes the perfect fit within your facility.
Key personnel attendance at an equipment demonstration can be vital to securing the approval and feedback from those who are responsible for approving product trials or purchasing. It is also equally important that the staff who will be using the equipment full-time attend the demo and test the product for themselves.
Typically, a demo can take about 30-60 minutes depending on the number of attendees. Demonstrations are interactive and fun whilst helping you to get the most out of the experience with product specialists on site to answer questions straight away.
Push, maneuver, sit and interact with the product- participation is highly encouraged!
An agreed time, place, date, and product for the demo will be discussed between yourself and your local distributor.
The same representative will organise and run the demonstration on the day.
In a suitable location that is convenient for you and your team. Depending on the number of staff attendance sometimes a spare room is suitable however, larger numbers may require more space like a carpark, conference/training rooms or main foyer/ corridors.
No $$ are involved with a demo just your time.
No stress, you can reschedule with your local distributor to agree on another suitable time and date.
To start it’s best to contact the Team on 1300 785 790 or email sales@modsel.com to place your enquiry on the desired product.
In 24 hours, you will receive a reply from your closest local distributor to discuss the departmental and operational requirements you’re chasing, this helps to determine the best product to meet expectations, if one has not already been chosen. You will be asked questions regarding budget and timeframes as this helps to get clarity around suitable products. Demo units may be available immediately, depending on the level of configuration- if the product is highly custom the team will work with production to facilitate appropriate lead times.
A suitable timeframe for your trial will be organised and the representative in contact with you will be the one to personally deliver your demo unit and conduct in-service training to staff, per your request.
After the trial is finished, the same representative will again visit to personally pick up the unit and discuss the results and feedback with you. The evaluation is then recorded and taken back to the office to make any changes or updates if required.
The final proposal is then submitted based on results of the suitable trial.
No lock in contracts!
No obligations!
Generally, a trial can last two-three weeks, depending on staff feedback and if further changes need to be made to the prototype. However, flexible timeframes for a demo unit are always given as this process is important so you can get the best results for your facility and patients.
There is no need to worry about the location of your facility as we have partnered with like-minded healthcare specialist distributors across Australia, who can arrange for the product to be delivered straight to you and your staff for the scheduled trial.
Depending on where you are located a suitable rep from one of our Distributors will take you through the same process as mentioned above. You can view our list of like-minded healthcare specialists here.
Maximise user experience, gain insider knowledge, discover best practices and not to mention have a little fun with some new equipment!
You can phone the office on 1300 785 790 or lodge an enquiry below.
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